Dizziness - Status cannot be underestimated

Dizziness is a common condition and has many causes, so you should not underestimate.

1. Increase lung ventilation

A common cause of dizziness is increased ventilation, which means patients tend to breathe faster and deeper than necessary. People with hyperventilation often experience loss of balance or feel like they are about to faint. In some people, dizziness may become more severe, unpredictable and often related to the specific posture or activity they are doing. Accompanied by dizziness, people with hyperventilation are also nervous, bloated and weak.

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Dizziness is a common phenomenon but we often don't know the cause.

2. Low blood pressure

People with low blood pressure often feel dizzy when blood pressure falls below normal levels. In addition, they will also feel dizzy when standing up suddenly. This happens because blood pressure drops when the patient stands up. It is called standing postural hypotension and dizziness is the most common symptom of this condition.

3. Severe anemia

Patients with severe anemia often experience dizziness after exercising or exertion. They may also lose their balance.

4. Heart disease

Patients with abnormal heart rhythm or heart rhythm and primary heart disease often experience headaches.

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People with arrhythmias are also often dizzy.

5. Prescription drugs

Many drugs can cause imbalance, but people often do not see an association between taking a new drug or taking it in higher doses and dizziness.

6. Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is often accompanied by dizziness and can progress from mild to moderate instability to body ataxia, when the patient loses control of body movement and has unusual gait.

7. Epilepsy

Dizziness associated with mechanical symptoms, grotesque behavior, unconscious behavior and reversible amnesia may also be a sign of seizures.

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If psychological dizziness is often present, this may be a manifestation of a mental disorder.

8. Meniere's disease

Dizziness that occurs simultaneously with deafness may be a sign of Meniere's disease or vestibular disease.

9. Psychosis

If a person often feels dizzy and has psychological dizziness, this may be a manifestation of a mental disorder. This is confirmed only after the patient performs vertigo simulation tests and has normal results.

10. Multi-sensory deficiency syndrome

Patients with this disease often lose balance. This condition is mainly seen in older people with other diseases, making them difficult to move if not supported. Vision impairment, deafness, painful orthopedic surgery and muscle weakness often affect the feeling of the elderly about space and movement, affecting confidence when walking.