Can an injection lift the intelligence of a normal person to the level of the great scientist Albert Einstein?

According to Metro, when Southall experienced strong emotions, her entire muscles immediately relaxed, making her body look like she was sleeping.

The 22-year-old English girl, Beth Goodier, had Kleine-Levin syndrome; a syndrome with a sleepy expression in those who encounter it.

For them the light is light as well as the glare of sunlight, the sound every day is deafening. Their life is a long chain of torture.

Dizziness is a common condition and has many causes, so you should not underestimate.

Is it because of weak nerves or some other reason that some of us see blood when we see blood?

According to Science Alert, the proportion of people who are struck by lightning during their lifetime is relatively small, about 1 / 12,000. In nearly 500 people hit by lightning

If we are too passionate, forget to eat and sleep, our eyes are always glued to the facebook screen

Brazilian scientists detect Zika virus in the amniotic membranes of two women, a proof that the virus may cross the placenta, affecting the fetus.

A lot of people have shared about the experience