Zika virus can cross each other maternity

Brazilian scientists discovered Zika virus in the amniotic membranes of two women, a proof that the virus could cross the placenta, affecting the fetus .

The Journal of Infectious Diseases Lancet, led by a group of doctors from the Oswaldo Cruz Institute in Brazil, said the fetus of these two women was diagnosed with a small head.

Zika virus specialist in London (UK), Jimmy Whitworth said the new findings reinforce the evidence that Zika virus is the cause of small head defects for thousands of babies in Brazil.

Picture 1 of Zika virus can cross each other maternity
Korean epidemiological staff is spraying mosquito rooms to spread Zika to this country - (Photo: Yonhap).

These two women had symptoms such as fever, muscle aches and rash during the first three months of pregnancy. When the fetus is about 22 weeks old, the sonographer confirms the fetus has a small head.

However, Barzin scientists are cautious when they think that they need to do more research to get more evidence to strengthen the link between Zika virus and small head defects, causing brain atrophy.

"This study has not yet determined whether Zika virus was detected in the amniotic membranes of these two women with small head problems in children," said Dr. Ana de Filippis, the lead researcher.

Reuters reported that many scientists around the world believe that Zika virus may be the main cause of small headaches in newborns and cause serious neurological disorders in adults, called the disease Guillain-Barre .

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a state of emergency on Zika disease and called for the establishment of urgent studies on the disease in the context of the number of suspected cases of small head is rising in Brazil and some Latin American countries.

Babies born with small head are facing the risk of abnormal brain development.