After receiving information on Zika virus appeared in Laos, Vietnam's Ministry of Health requires Quang Tri province to strengthen inspection and quarantine at the border gates.

Recognizing the latest of the World Health Organization, there are 54 countries that transmit Zika virus, of which, 3 neighboring countries of Vietnam are Laos, China and Cambodia.

Scientists have discovered more than 20 species of mosquitoes carrying Zika virus in Africa. However, it is unclear whether they infect humans directly.

Brazil plans to prevent the spread of Zika virus by using gamma rays to cause infertility of millions of male mosquitoes.

The FDA said it would prioritize diagnostic and screening tests to determine the presence of Zika virus.

The campaign focused primarily on calling for cooperation between partners, experts, as well as mobilizing a variety of financial resources to help countries strengthen control of

Brazilian scientists detect Zika virus in the amniotic membranes of two women, a proof that the virus may cross the placenta, affecting the fetus.

The Russian health watchdog said on Monday that the country's first Zika brain atrophy was a woman who had been to the Dominican Republic.

According to the suspicious information, the cause of brain atrophy is not caused by Zika virus, but because of the anti-mosquito chemicals that treat malaria and dengue fever used

International scientists warn Zika virus causes brain atrophy hidden deep in the body parts that the immune system cannot scan, so it is more dangerous and difficult to cope with.