8 misconceptions about artificial insemination

Artificial insemination gives hope to infertile couples. However, many people with artificial insemination are still new and have misconceptions about this method.

Misconceptions about artificial insemination

In vitro fertilization is a method of fertilization in which eggs are fertilized by sperm outside the body, in vitro. This is a method that is applied after the assisted reproductive technique has failed, which is applied to those who are of reproductive age or couple. For whatever reason, sperm cannot fertilize an egg by natural means .

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Ovulation is controlled by hormones and fertilized eggs are inserted into the uterus. The fertilized person is injected with egg-stimulant to stimulate large eggs. This is done under strict medical control, using the right amount of hormone, then the doctor will perform an ultrasound to detect large eggs.

When the eggs are large, they will be sucked out when they are ripe but not self-launched.Hormone gondotropins , the hormone that causes menstrual bleeding to be used to stimulate ovulation. 36 hours later, cytoplasm (containing oocytes) will be removed by the vagina (needle and ultrasound). The eggs in the cytoplasm will be fertilized with the sperm previously taken, and the two fertilized eggs will be returned to the woman's uterus.

In vitro fertilization is the salvage method for infertile, infertile couples. However, there are also many misunderstandings that many couples encounter, which hinder the journey to find their children.

Mistake 1: In vitro fertilization is the solution for all infertile couples

Reality: False

In vitro fertilization is one of the methods of assisted reproduction in the process of infertility treatment in cases where the mother has problems with ovulation, the mother has endometriosis. Not all causes of infertility can be conceived by this method.

Mistake 2: In vitro fertilization is the ultimate solution for infertile people

Reality: False

Sometimes it is the first option to support conception with people with fallopian tubes or people with age problems in men when their age is high.

Mistake 3: In vitro fertilization is only for the rich

Reality: False

Although this method is quite expensive, the cost of an IVF has not increased much over the years. It is less than other medical procedures such as heart surgery or joint replacement.

Mistake 4: Successful in vitro fertilization

Reality: False

The success rate in this method is 40%. The success rate depends heavily on factors such as women's age, doctor's level, hormonal .

Mistake 5: In vitro fertilization always leads to pregnancy, multiple pregnancies

Reality: False

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The chance of having twins and multiple pregnancies is possible but not all. Doctors will transfer 1 embryo, 2 embryos, or 3 embryos depending on the needs of the family. And not all of these embryos survive.

Mistake 6: In vitro fertilization makes children with birth defects

Reality: False

The risk of malformations with in-vitro fertilization has increased slightly (1.3 times) compared to natural conception. However, birth defects also depend on many other factors such as maternal age, living environment, poor diet .

Mistake 7: In vitro fertilization is only for young people

Reality: False

IVF is done even for menopausal women (eggs), so it is not limited to age.

Mistake 8: In vitro fertilization is very dangerous

Reality: Not really

If you do it in large hospitals, skilled doctors, it is not too dangerous. Only 1-2% of patients experience problems during in vitro fertilization due to ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. This risk is completely manageable for skilled doctors.