He came closer to allowing the scientific community to use infant-generating techniques from the three people's DNA, after the House of Representatives voted.
British scientists use skin cells to create sperm and eggs, an achievement that could lead to a revolution in infertility treatment.
Scientists in the study said they were unsure about the cause of this phenomenon but most likely because of genetic genes as well as social and environmental factors.
Infertility therapies are creating unprepared children, and complicating the inheritance process of lost parents.
Last June, a healthy baby boy was born with artificial insemination (IVF) using new generation gene screening techniques, selecting the most viable embryo to perform IVF.
Times of India on July 9 said women are increasingly traveling abroad to donate eggs to treat infertile patients in European countries.
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of contraceptive invention, inventor Carl Djerassi mentioned a new way to maintain the race, conceiving without sex.
The problems of male fertility are the main cause of most cases where the couple cannot conceive, according to a new British study.
Children born from 3 parents may soon become a reality if the survey results in the UK through this controversial treatment. According to the researchers, this method may allow
A new type of microscope allows obstetricians to observe the development of embryos continuously for the first 5 days of life, and helps couples witness the formation of a baby