8 unbelievable science applications from simple things

For scientists, they always find unexpected applications of very ordinary items around us.

8 scientific applications from simple things that surprise you

Each object is created for a certain purpose, but have you ever tried to hold a tampon and wondered ' Can I do anything else with this thing?' . Perhaps not for us, but for scientists they always find unexpected applications of very ordinary items around us.

1. Jelly and marshmallows can be woven

Gelatin is an indispensable substance in the process of making jelly and marshmallows. It is made from cartilage, bone marrow and animal skin. However, researchers have found some of the gelatin's superior properties that can be used to weave fabrics and sew clothing.

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Scientists have succeeded in spinning gelatin fibers. After a chemical treatment process, we obtain strong and durable fibers to weave into fabric. Of course it has no sweetness or the smell of marshmallows. Previously, scientists have also studied synthetic fibers from nature, which helps protect the environment and reduce the use of toxic chemicals.

2. Sunlight produces liquid fuel

We all know that sunlight can generate electricity using solar panels . But scientists also want to use sunlight to create liquid fuel that can run automotive engines.

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Scientists at Harvard University have built a system that uses sunlight to generate electricity and split water into elements of hydrogen and oxygen. Then use a bacterium to convert these two elements into isopropanol , a liquid fuel. The only drawback now is that the performance of this process is very low, but it has great potential in the future.

3. Tampons that detect toxic waste

In big cities and industrial parks, waste treatment systems are often very expensive. In it, a hazardous waste detection device is required. The former method of identifying hazardous substances in drainage systems is to use special cables that cost $ 13 a meter.

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Therefore it would be very expensive to install these devices for all the drainage systems of a city. However, a new study shows that sanitary pads can replace these devices. It can absorb toxic waste, which scientists will then detect signs of these substances if present under UV light.

This will be an effective method at a very low cost to find out where the water is polluted. It can also be applied anywhere without expensive building or system installation.

4. Potatoes are used as batteries

It may sound unbelievable, but scientists have created batteries with potatoes . A potato can light an LED bulb, enough for a room for a month.

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Scientists discovered that a potato after boiling for eight minutes, then cut into rings and sprinkled with salt in the middle can form a moving environment for electrons and can be charged and used as a battery. Although its performance is not really high, it can be applied in developing countries.

5. Sand to cat's hygiene to absorb radioactive material

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The types of sand used for toileting are mainly super absorbent clay , which can attract cats' urine. Besides, scientists have discovered that it can absorb and prevent radioactive substances . Therefore, the treatment of radioactive waste pollutes the environment instead of being buried in the ground or stored in double containers, they can now be treated by covering the outside with a layer of cat litter .

6. Plastic bags can produce fuel

Plastic bags are a threat to the Earth's environment, because it takes up to 20 years for them to break down. To limit the impact of plastic bags, scientists have tried to find a way to recycle to make use of the plastic bags discharged in the world.

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And they succeeded in creating diesel fuel from plastic bags, creating both natural gas, gasoline, and engine oil. Because plastic bags are all made of petroleum, it can recover with an efficiency of about 80%.

7. Chalk to help study the harmful effects of volcanoes

Volcanoes are one of the scary natural disasters , but the majority of deaths are not due to molten lava, but because of the smoke and smoke from the eruption filled the air. To reduce the damage when volcanic eruptions, scientists must understand its mechanism of action.

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And with chrome powder, scientists can accurately simulate how a volcanic eruption will happen. Chalk powder is also quite similar to dust from craters, from tiny particles to harms that make it difficult to breathe when inhaled directly. From research with chrome powder, scientists can find ways to limit the harmful effects of volcanic ash.

8. Use purl to make telescopes

NASA is in the process of building the largest telescope in history to replace the Hubble glass . However, because its size is too big, it is very difficult to put this telescope on Earth orbit.

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NASA scientists have found a way to solve this problem. That is, instead of using a giant glass, they would use a tinsel cloud to reflect light. At a cost and volume is only a fraction of the standard lens, but it has the same function. This is really a revolutionary project if scientists can make it a reality.