8 ways to reduce the risk of swelling and inflammation in the body

Swelling and inflammation in the body can also accelerate aging and cause weight gain or cardiovascular disease, and even cancer.

Chronic pain is basically caused by the body's immune system working against the attack of outside agents. But this same mechanism can also speed up the aging rate and cause weight gain or cardiovascular disease, and even cancer.

Therefore, it is best to prevent health care to reduce the risk of swelling and inflammation in your body.

1. Strengthen protein during meals

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Most people consume too much protein during dinner, but leave this essential nutrient in the remaining meals. Instead, you should divide the amount of food throughout the day, breakfast, lunch, dinner and other snacks, this also works to detoxify the liver and help filter the blood. Focus on good protein sources like chicken, fish, eggs, low-fat milk, beans, and possibly beef if you like.

2. Consumption of beneficial fats

Animal fats or saturated fats are very easy to cause inflammation in the body. By limiting the consumption of fats, packaged foods and adding more fats from unsaturated sources like butter, nuts, olives, cold water fish, and coconut, you can Reduce the severity of inflammation.

3. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables

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Instead of tolerating large amounts of carbohydrates from starch and refined sugars that can lead to metabolic dysfunction and inflammation, focus on absorbing starch from vegetables, legumes and fruits. trees and cereals. Besides regulating blood sugar, they are the best sources of antioxidants for the human body.

4. Drink green tea

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Green tea contains a natural catechin that works against free radicals and helps the body detox very well. Ideally, three cups a day, but if not, sipping a little during the day is already very good. However, the antioxidants of green teas vary widely, so in order to absorb most of the catechins in tea, pay attention to choosing organic types rather than synthesizing.

5. Say no to sugary drinks

Did you know, people who regularly consume drinks with sweeteners such as fructose, corn syrup and artificial sweeteners tend to increase insulin levels in the body, which contributes to evidence inflammation.

6. Use filtered water for eating needs

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Drinking lots of water will help your metabolism go smoothly and your body is healthy. However, tap water can sometimes contain inflammatory chemicals, so if you can, buy a dedicated filter to make sure you and your family always use the cleanest water.

7. Practice yoga regularly

Regular exercise is certainly good, but it is not simple if the body is swollen or inflamed. At times like this, try the recovery yoga postures, they have amazing uses for pain relief.

8. Clean up all electronic devices in the bedroom

It's hard to live without these technology utilities, even in every family's bedroom. However, think about the mental and physical disorders they can bring, including this chronic inflammation. Light and magnetism can alter the body's biological clock, causing poor sleep and enough hours, and the consequence is an increase in inflammatory hormones.