A little wine every day, more healthy when you are old

Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston in a public science newspaper have shown that among women who live up to 70 years of age, those who regularly consume a sufficient amount of alcohol when they are 50 years old will be able to better health.

Research conducted on 14,000 women showed that the number of people who drank no more than 1 or 2 glasses of wine per night had more than 30% chance of living well over 70 years of age compared to women who absolutely did not drink.

Picture 1 of A little wine every day, more healthy when you are old

Drinking 5-30g of wine every night is better for health than just drinking 1-2 times a week. Specifically, drinking about 5 - 15g of wine every night when aged 58 and over will be 20% healthier, drinking 15-30g will be 30% healthier than women who do not drink.

Experts also recommend that this study does not prove that alcohol is completely good for the body. Prof. Jayne Lucke, University of Queensland, Australia said: ' If only drinking a small amount of wine without combining exercise, reasonable eating, positive social activities cannot help women be healthy when they come back' .

Dr. Qi Sun, the leader of the study, said: 'Sufficient amount of wine will significantly improve women's health as they get older. According to US health guidelines, the right amount of wine is about 1 cup per day. According to the European health guidelines, there are 2 drinks every night '.

If you do not know how to drink wine, you should try not to improve your health because many studies have shown that regular exercise and proper eating are the direct factors that bring you good health at the same time. older than wine.