A 'screw' from 300 million years ago embedded in a stone, revealing prehistoric peak?

It has been three million years since mankind was born on Earth. With human evolution and continuous development, we have gradually become the masters of the Earth.

But behind the developed civilization, humanity is an extremely lonely collective. We are the only advanced animal on Earth and the only known civilization in the universe. This conclusion not only makes us sigh about the greatness and greatness of man, but also makes us actively explore the existence of other civilizations.

Alien civilization and prehistoric civilization. Outward manifestation is the existence of an extraterrestrial civilization, and ahead is a prehistoric civilization.

Whether there is an alien civilization in the universe or not is most likely within human speculation. Because even if only one Earth could produce life in an entire galaxy, and there are 100 billion galaxies in the universe, no matter how harsh the conditions that produce them, there could be 100 billion "Earths" in the entire universe.

Based on such macroscopic technology and the meager knowledge of the universe today, many people believe that there are not only aliens in the universe, but also aliens near Earth and even inside. The earth. The famous Roswell incident and the hot topic of discussion about restricted area 51 are both speculations and assertions about the existence of human aliens.

Likewise, prehistoric civilizations are a hot topic compared to alien civilizations. Much of our interest in prehistoric civilization comes from Plato's mention of Atlantis.

In Plato's mouth, Atlantis is a country with a very developed civilization, in addition to ancient temples, there are extremely advanced urban civilizations, of course the most prominent thing is the energy system of it. At that time, they used the sun as a source of energy, and the energy generated could rejuvenate people.

It is a pity that such a civilization suddenly sank to the bottom of the sea more than 12,000 years ago.

To find traces of aliens, mankind likes to focus their attention on UFOs, and to find the footprints of prehistoric civilizations, they prefer to place them in the deep sea and various fossils with traces man-made or ancient ruins. A 300-million-year-old "screw" discovered in Russia has set off a wave of search for civilization.

About 30 years ago, a group of meteorites discovered a strange stone in Kaluga, Russia, with a "screw" inlaid on it.

Screws are a product of modern civilization, why can they be embedded in meteorites? Do other humanoid figures really exist in the universe or on ancient Earth?

Picture 1 of A 'screw' from 300 million years ago embedded in a stone, revealing prehistoric peak?
The object is believed to be a 300-million-year-old "screw" in Russia.

To find out why, the discoverer turned the meteorite over to an astronomical agency. However, after examination and exploration, it was discovered that this meteorite turned out to be the product of a crater explosion. A series of things that refresh people's perception appear before the eyes of scientists, they can only suppress their inner emotions and continue to research.

But what is disappointing is that this "screw" in this meteorite is not the product of an alien civilization or the relic of a prehistoric civilization. In the geologic age, 300 million years ago was the age of speculation, so both speculations are self-defeating.