Abnormal melting ice alarm in the Arctic

Recent US reports on Arctic climate indicate that rapid warming in the Arctic region and the large number of melting glaciers are "extremely unusual for thousands of years".

Picture 1 of Abnormal melting ice alarm in the Arctic

The giant ice in the Arctic is cracked.

This finding contradicts some ideas that suggest that these are understandable phenomena due to natural climate rotation.

Scientists in the US, Canada, Germany, England and Denmark participated in the study to say that the Arctic temperature if continuously warmed by a few more degrees could make the entire ice cover on Greenland - Denmark Island disappear and then sea level will rise a few meters.

Scientists warn "temperature changes in the Arctic are happening at a faster rate than other parts of the Northern Hemisphere and this phenomenon may continue. As a result, ice mountains and ice cover on the land here melted, sea level rises and coastal areas will be submerged. "

The ice sheets covering the Arctic and even the South Pole have reached a record of melting speed in recent years. Summer 2007 was the time when most of the ice melted, and in the summer of 2008, the amount of melting ice was nearly reaching that level. Many of the northernmost regions of Canada have seen unusual warming in the past summer.

The Iqaluit and Nunavut regions have the highest temperatures in history, while the Baffin Islands are flooded and the area decreases significantly due to sea level rise which engulfs many coastal areas; The Northwest Seaway corridor was expanded and Ellesmere Island revealed hundreds of square kilometers of land previously covered by ice all year round.