Amazed the long crocodile with wagons, weighing tens of tons

With a length of 13m, the Purussaurus crocodile is as long as a train, weighing tens of tons. Purussaurus is a Caiman crocodile, they are present on Earth 8 million years ago. They parallel the dinosaur "ground god" in South America during the Miocene era.

>>>Fun things about crocodiles

Picture 1 of Amazed the long crocodile with wagons, weighing tens of tons

Due to the changing climate and environment, the Purussaurus "monster" is extinct before the presence of humans. Archaeologists have found many of their fossil heads in Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Amazonia and northern Venezuela. By finding the Purussaurus "skull" we know that they once existed on this earth.

Picture 2 of Amazed the long crocodile with wagons, weighing tens of tons

Purussaurus "monster" skull length up to 1.5m. Since then scientists have estimated that the full length of the adult Purussaurus crocodile will reach 11m, even 13m. With this size, scientists have concluded that Purussaurus is the most massive species in the crocodile family ever existed.

Picture 3 of Amazed the long crocodile with wagons, weighing tens of tons

The Purussaurus monster fossil found most recently in 2005 in Peru, discovered by a French expedition. Because the Purussaurus "monster" existed many years ago from our lives, their understanding of nature is limited.

Picture 4 of Amazed the long crocodile with wagons, weighing tens of tons

As reptiles, cold-blooded and omnivores, they eat almost all other species such as sea turtles, fishes, species of crocodiles. With giant jaws, scientists also hypothesize that they can attack both dinosaurs at the same time and many other animals if they come across them. Many theories suggest that, in addition to meat, they eat many plants.

Picture 5 of Amazed the long crocodile with wagons, weighing tens of tons

According to the initial observation, they are semi-terrestrial half-aquatic animals. They live in tropical and coastal environments.