America: Buying human tissue is as easy as buying ... gloves!

Every day, thousands of Americans are facing the risk of death or disability because of poor quality tissue transplants. Reason: tissue providers do not need to attend medical classes, and doctors buy tissues as easily as buying . medical gloves.

Death is foretold

"Do not worry!" , doctor tr

Picture 1 of America: Buying human tissue is as easy as buying ... gloves!

An American boy after liver transplant surgery (Photo: OTTA)

pressing the B.Lykins patient's parents, before he was brought into the operating room with a wound on his knee. The doctor will take cartilage from the dead to transplant for Lykins. Every year in the United States, there are more than one million transplantable human tissue surgeries for people like this. Doctors also said that the largest tissue bank in the United States has provided cartilage for surgery so it is completely disinfected and absolutely safe.

But four days after the operation, this vibrant 23-year-old student died of a serious infection. He died of a transplant of poor quality cartilage, taken from a dead body that was not frozen during 19 hours and was rejected by two other tissue banks.

This is not a single case. K.Alesescu died on May 14 at San Luis Obispo because of a heart valve infection. A.Minvielle's job in Santa Cruz lost his job and nearly sawed his leg due to necrosis due to infection of the implant. Such pitiful deaths can still happen due to the careless actions of several firms in the human body business with billions of dollars in profits and a lack of legal system.

Fatal flaw

Lykins' case was caught in the press because the tissue provider for him was accused of taking body parts of the corpse to sell to tissue banks without the permission of the deceased relatives. Every day thousands of Americans face danger from genuine licensed tissue providers. There are 2,030 companies providing tissue throughout the United States. An investigation conducted by the Associated Press shows a series of moral mistakes in this highly profitable business, from sloppy microbial testing to the lack of a homogeneous system for traceability of tissue before coming to the recipient.

If the American Association of Tissue Banks requires members to comply with strict rules, then with the loose management of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), hospitals and doctors may Buy tissue from unreliable suppliers with faster delivery times and cheaper prices. Not only does the FDA relax the examination of tissue testing procedures to detect infectious diseases, it also does not regulate the age or health of tissue donors as well as the time limit for tissue collection after humans. giving away.

Doctors also rarely know the origin of the implants for patients. Some hospitals buy tissues easily and simply like buying surgical gloves or other medical equipment, based on price only and whether the purchase is convenient. Another important thing is that hospitals and doctors do not need to report cases of patients infected with tissue transplantation. Moreover, people who do not need medical training can open tissue banks or provide tissue. And so the business exploded at a dizzying pace without being strictly managed, as Lykins victim relatives said: "Anyone can open a tissue bank right in your garage." "!