America is bewildered by ... drunken birds

Police City Gilbert, Minnesota - USA, recently warned local residents about the phenomenon of "drunk" and "disruptive" birds .

"Gilbert Police Department has received many reports about birds rushing into windows, vehicles and acting oddly" - Ty Techar Police Chief on October 2 shared on social network Facebook.

According to Mr. Techar, the reason is that they eat fermented and drunk berries.

"Usually, the young birds' liver cannot handle alcohol as effectively as adults. There is no need to call law enforcement officials on these birds because they will soon" wake up "after the time. short, " said Mr. Techar.

Many residents through Facebook thanked Gilbert Police Department for explaining why the birds in the area behaved strangely.

Picture 1 of America is bewildered by ... drunken birds
Birds can be drunk by eating fermented succulents.(Photo: Canadian Press).

A woman revealed that she has recently discovered 3 dead birds on the table recently. Meanwhile, another Gilbert resident said that she was aghast and had to stop when a bird suddenly rushed into the windshield.

"Police information explained why I hit 7 birds in just one week" - another commented.

In the context of many birds preparing to fly south to avoid cold, they eat more berries to store energy and this explains why the number of drunken birds suddenly increased. Bird researcher, Matthew Dodder, said drunken birds behave in a "nondescript" way.

"They will fly lower than usual. They don't care about vehicles or other obstacles," explains Matthew.

Similar to Gilbert, some other cities like Portland, Oregon state, the same situation happened. Director of Environmental Organization Audubon Society in Portland, Bob Sallinger, said they "detained" the drunken birds into the Center for Wildlife Care until they "awake" and released them .

The same thing happened in Canada's Yukon territory, where wildlife conservation officials put drunken birds in small stables until they were ready to fly again a few hours later.