America successfully recreates bones from stem cells

Scientists at the Scripps Biomedical Research Institute in the United States have found a way to regenerate bone from stem cells.

Reconstructing bone from stem cells

The Scripps Institute scientists discovered that PPARy protein prevents bone marrow stem cells from forming new bone. Bone marrow stem cells can develop into different types of cells, including fat, connective tissue, bone and cartilage.

Picture 1 of America successfully recreates bones from stem cells
The structure of people with healthy bones and people with osteoporosis.(Photo: Healthytap)

In normal people, this protein is beneficial, because it prevents excessive bone growth or bone spikes. However, for people with osteoporosis, this protein becomes unfavorable.

The researchers found that the drug is still used to regulate insulin in the treatment of diabetes, has the effect of inhibiting PPARy , accelerating the process of bone growth in mice. When inhibiting PPARy, osteoblast bone- forming cells increase.

" This finding suggests that it is possible to apply new methods to treat bone disease by inhibiting PPARy ," said Professor Patrick Griffin, Head of Molecular Medicine, Scripps Institute.

According to the Telegraph, in addition to determining treatments for new osteoporosis, this study has many implications.

" Because PPARy is closely related to some of the pathogenic proteins, we can apply structural insights of PPARy to design new compound structures for a variety of therapeutic applications, " said Dr. David Marciano. , Professor Griffin's colleague, said.

Mr. Griffin said that the next step, they will analyze the effectiveness of drugs in the treatment of osteoporosis, aging, obesity and diabetes in laboratory animals.