America unveiled the notorious weapons of damage

An unbearable feeling, a sudden heat covering the whole body, that is the effect of ultra-strong electromagnetic rays emanating from a notorious anti-aircraft weapon of the US military.

'You don't see, hear, smell anything but you will feel it', AFP quoted an explanation of colonel of the US Marine Corps Tracy Tafola, Director of the Non-Massive Weapons Development Agency. American trade.

"The effect is so scary that the only reaction is to run away immediately , " Colonel Tracy Tafola added.

Colonel Tafola also carefully emphasized that the Active Denial System (ADS) is very powerful and has a range of about 1km but is a non-lethal weapon that has been played by the US military. has grown over the past 15 years, and has never applied in practice.

Picture 1 of America unveiled the notorious weapons of damage
Weapons do not cause ADS damage

ADS ray technology is causing concern because many people think it is like microwaves. However, military experts dismiss this concern.

When measuring radio frequency biological effects at the Air Research Laboratory, expert Stephanie Miller said the ADS gun launched at 95GHz, which did not affect the body in terms of damage. love.

Meanwhile, microwave waves have a frequency of about 1GHz, helping this wave move faster and penetrate deeper into the object.

At the same time, the thickness of the ADS beam is only 1/64 of an inch (0.4mm), making it much more secure than microwave waves.

After more than 11,000 tests, ADS only caused minor damage to two subjects, according to Colonel Tafola.

Military leaders and US researchers performed the ADS system in front of the media at Quantico's Marine base in Georgia over the weekend.

There, some journalists tried the heat of electromagnetic rays, which were described as a hot oven.

According to AFP, the hair of reporter Mathieu Rabechult of this firm "stood up" when exposed to the ADS system.

Volunteers of uniformed Marine Corps soldiers threw fake tennis balls into ice during the performance and when the electromagnetic beam was activated, the 'protesters' had to flee.

The prototype of the ADS system was canceled in 2008 but was deployed in Afghanistan two years later. However, it has never been deployed in combat.

Ms. Tafolla said the system was improved and is now available for use when needed.

According to the Daily Mail, there are rumors that the Pentagon wants to build an aerial version of these weapons.

The risk of injury to the system is much lower than other non-lethal weapons such as rubber or tear gas. To minimize accidents, the trigger button has been set to automatically stop after 3 seconds for safety reasons.

The reflexes flee from the heat that happens to everyone, according to program director Brian Long.

The ADS system can be used to protect the outer ring at bases, control crowds or block a high-speed car without destroying it.

'I think it can be used whenever you want an alternative to killing force,' Long said.

According to program officials, the US Department of Defense spent about $ 120 million on the ADS system, most of which is used to study biological impacts.