America will risk the sun

The US Aerospace Agency (NASA) announces that one of its spacecraft will rush into the solar atmosphere to perform the "most daring and dangerous task in the history of space exploration ".

National Geographic quoted NASA officials as saying they would launch Solar Probe Plus - a car-sized spacecraft - to the sun between now and 2018. Solar Probe Plus will plunge. Super hot atmosphere of the sun to take physical samples.

Picture 1 of America will risk the sun
Solar Probe Plus will plunge into the solar atmosphere to sample matter.
(Photo: National Geographic).

" This will be one of the most daring and dangerous tasks in human history to conquer the universe ," said Dave McComas, a scientist at Southwest Research Institute in the US. McComas will participate in the study of the elements that make up the solar atmosphere.

Due to flying close to the sun, the risk of burning of Solar Probe Plus is very high . So NASA equips ships with a heat-resistant shell made of carbon compounds. This shell has the ability to withstand temperatures up to 1,400 degrees Celsius and streams of heat from the sun.

' When the spacecraft arrives at the closest position to the sun, the heat from the sun will be 500 times greater than the temperature on Earth's orbit, ' McComas said.

Sampling material from the sun will help scientists solve the series of mysteries about our nearest star.

For example, until now, the scientific world still does not understand why the sun's inner atmosphere (bright atmosphere), has an average temperature of 6,000 degrees Celsius, while the upper atmosphere has a temperature of up to Scientists also don't know the mechanism of creating solar wind from its atmosphere.