American cattle lose their ears mass

Some animal attacked cattle in Kentucky state, causing their ears to tear or disappear.

Picture 1 of American cattle lose their ears mass
Two goats on a farm in America. (Photo: Livescience)

Livescience reported the attacks that happened over the past weeks in Shelby, Kentucky.

Kevin Cox, a Shelby farmer, said that the ears of six goats and some of his cows were torn or cut off by attacks.

Kentucky state officials are investigating the case, but they have yet to find a clue about the culprit. Previously, people often thought of supernatural animals whenever mass attacks occurred. For example, farmers in Mexico believe that a monster called chupacabra regularly attacks goats and other livestock to suck blood. Scientists believe that chupacabra may be a domestic dog, a coyote, a North American panda or a mammal.

In addition, it is possible that the culprit is just one or several normal animals. For example, many people have seen domestic dogs attack but do not eat meat. So some experts say Kentucky state investigators should focus on domestic dogs.