Ancestor 'thirty years old

According to research by scientists, the ancestors of tigers are an ancient carnivore that lives in the third century today 65 - 25 million years ago. Among the cat-like species of this ancient predator, scientists have recorded the existence of four different species.

One is the ancient cheetah species. This species has survived through geologic periods to evolve into today's Cheetahs. Another species is the Smilodon (commonly known as the sword tiger) that has long fangs. Another species is a species that is quite similar in shape to this tiger tooth tiger, called 'camouflage sword' ( Hoplophoneus ). The last species is an ancient cat.

Picture 1 of Ancestor 'thirty years old

Tiger tooth.

Secondly, the tiger-toothed tiger and the camouflage of the tiger were extinct in the early and late period of the third century. Accordingly, it is the ancient cat that survived and became the ancestor of the tiger today.

During the later development, this ancient cat was divided into three smaller subspecies, including: Muntjac, Terran ( Dinofelis ) and Tiger. The following two species were extinct during the Ice Age of the Fourth Century, only the moths survived. This moth is in the process of development and is divided into 2 subfamilies, cat feces ( Felinae ) and pantherinae , and reproduce and develop to this day. The tiger species is now a 'member' of the 'family' of the subfamily. The brothers who belong to this family also have lions, leopard newspapers, snow leopard, newspaper Tomorrow, jaguar, .

Regarding the time and place of the tiger's appearance, although there are still many disagreements, but basically, the scientific community acknowledges that the tiger originated in East Asia region (in the distribution area). of the Tiger of the South China) 2 million years ago. Then the tiger grows in two directions. One is based on the system of forests and rivers in the northwest, going deep into the Southwest Asia. The second is the South-West towards the Southeast Asia and the Indian continent. Another part developed into the Indonesian archipelago.

During extensive development throughout Asia, tigers are divided into 9 different subspecies, including: Siberian tiger or Amur tiger ( Panthera tigris altaica ), Southern Chinese tiger ( Panthera tigris amoyensis ), Bali tiger ( Panthera tigris balica ) , Indochinese tiger ( Panthera tigris corbetti ) or Corbet tiger, Malay tiger ( Panthera tigris jacksoni ), Java tiger ( Panthera tigris sondaica ), Sumatra tiger ( Panthera tigris sumatrae ), Bengal tiger ( Panthera tigris tigris ) and Caspi tiger ( Panthera tigris virgata ). Three of the nine species are extinct in the mid-twentieth century and many species are also at risk of extinction as humans enter the 21st century.

Tigers in our country are mainly Indochinese tigers, big and aggressive, distributed in the northern mountainous areas, along the Truong Son range and the Southeast region. However, according to many documents, currently there are very few tigers left in our country (only less than 50 individuals), so protection must be increased to avoid the risk of genocide.