We still do not know what is the cause of life on earth. Some believe that electricity is an important factor for life to emerge, multiply and develop as it is today.

Part of the material that constitutes the earth is a meteorite originating in the universe. According to Phipipp Heck, a scholar from the University of Chicago and his colleagues,

According to research by scientists, the ancestors of tigers are an ancient carnivore that lives in the third century today 65 - 25 million years ago.

A recent study shows that more than 10,000 years ago most British were descendants of farmers migrating from Iraq and Syria.

The evolutionary father Charles Darwin could never have imagined that DNA technology could help determine his ancestors' origins tens of thousands of years ago.

A study published Dec. 12 said that Asians now have ancestors originating in Southeast Asia.

New research shows that Puijila is the missing link in the evolution of a group of animals today, including seals, sea lions and walruses.

Recently, scientists discovered the existence of strange vein networks on the surface of Mars. This reveals information about the origin of the groundwater on the red planet.

Professor Chandra Kelamaxin made a surprising statement, suggesting that humanity is nothing more than an alien from outer space that migrates to Earth.

Only 10 days after the beginning of the operation, the most expensive experiment in human history was broken.