Ancient ancestors of humanity are fish?

One theory is that the oldest ancestor of humanity is fish. It was prehistoric fish that paved the way for the current evolution.

Around 360 million years ago, a major genocide turned upside down life on Earth, wiping out most of the fish that lived in that period. Lucky species escaping death have opened a new era for the diversity of modern vertebrate species.

The head of the University of Chicago research group, Dr. Lauren Sallan, described: 'Everything is broken, genocide is global. It reorganizes the biodiversity of vertebrates in both freshwater and saltwater environments and creates a completely different world. '

Picture 1 of Ancient ancestors of humanity are fish?

This is human ancestors?

The genocide occurred almost at the end of the Fish Era (Devonian, from 416 million to 359 million years ago) to make room for species present in Earth's water environment.

The fish have a hard crust (placoderm - fish skin plate) and lobed fishes (lobe-fin - similar to the current lung-breathing fish) that dominate the water world, while the ray fin fish ( ray-fin), sharks and 4-legged animals (tetrapod) are only minority.

But the next century of Devonian and Carboniferous (Carboniferous) fish, the catfish disappears and the finfish quickly replaces the lobster fin into the majority, and this 'population shift' persists. nowadays.

The head of the University of Chicago research group, Dr. Michael Coates, said: 'There is a big unknown event at the end of the Devon century. This event brought everything back to its original starting point and some 'lagging' species escaped the disaster spectacularly to survive '.

Before extinction, lobster finfish and four-legged animals had their first movements on land.

The surviving species seem to be the oldest ancestors of most vertebrate species on the mainland today, including humans.

The study was published in late May in the Journal: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
