Antarctica recorded a record snowfall due to ... Earth warming

The earth has been warming up for at least two centuries, and Antarctica is becoming a real "snow globe."

According to Quartz, snowfall in Antarctica has been increasing over time. The findings presented at the European Union of Earth Science Conference held in Vienna, Austria on April 9 revealed that annual snowfall has increased by about 10% since the early 1800s.

According to researchers' estimates, the amount of snowfall in Antarctica in the period 2001-2010 was more than 272 billion tons compared to 1800-1810. This amount of snow is even enough to fill two Dead Sea.

Although at first glance, heavy snowfall in Antarctica is a good sign for Earth's "health" in the context, climate change and the risk of sea level rise due to melting ice being increasingly visible in the immediate future. .

Picture 1 of Antarctica recorded a record snowfall due to ... Earth warming
Warmer temperatures mean more humid air, enabling more snowfall in Antarctica.

But in fact not. Warmer temperatures mean more humid air, enabling more snowfall in Antarctica. Therefore, heavy snow is the most obvious manifestation of climate disturbances and a series of extreme weather events.

These findings may help answer many questions around the impact of snow on the current climate change situation. Does more snow fall in Antarctica may slow sea level rise by creating more ice? The answer is probably not.

A study published in the journal Nature in 2012 found that snow is associated with an increase in the speed of ice melt and drift.

This discovery was published thanks to a study on 79 ice core in Antarctica. These cylindrical ice cores allow testing of layers of snow and ice to grow over time, while verifying seasons that have taken place in Antarctica.

The ice core not only reveals the amount of snow falling in history but also reveals the rainfall and snowy seasons. All thanks to a compound called hydrogen peroxide that exists in ice cores. They are usually made in nature when sunlight shines on steam. This compound exists in snow layers and it is revealed to scientists that the phenomenon of snowfall is usually concentrated in summer or winter months.

These are extremely valuable data, helping to improve the accuracy of the projected sea level rise model in the future.

Antarctica is the fifth largest continent in the world, larger than Europe and Australia. This is also the dryest, coldest and most windy land. Antarctica is home to up to 90% of the world's ice and 70% of freshwater. The ice almost covers 98% of the continent's surface.