Any mysterious astronaut's disease gets caught up in the Moon

A mysterious disease that all astronauts once set foot on the Moon suffers from various symptoms and in some cases it takes days to recover.

NASA astronaut Harrison Schmitt describes a mysterious disease called 'lunar or fever' (the allergy to the moon allergy) that makes 12 Apollo 17 people suffer. The symptoms vary from sneezing to nasal congestion, sore throat, tearing, sometimes it takes several days to react lightly.

Picture 1 of Any mysterious astronaut's disease gets caught up in the Moon
Astronauts on the Moon returned to breathing problems.(Artwork: NASA).

Picture 2 of Any mysterious astronaut's disease gets caught up in the Moon
Eugene Cernan on the Apollo 17 covered the moon dust.(Photo: NASA).

Researchers cannot know the exact cause of symptoms, as well as the Moon's true toxicity. However, research shows that the simulated lunar soil can destroy the lungs and cells after a long time of contact.

'We have not yet figured out how bad this dust is,' said one researcher. This dust can also wear layers of space clothing and destroy vacuum equipment of Apollo sample containers.

They all strive to estimate the risks for future explorers. One of the ingredients found is silicate , a common material in volcanic activities and can cause lung damage if inhaled.

Moreover, low gravity on the Moon also makes small components stay longer and deeper in the lungs. The toxic effect is therefore also larger.

Besides, unlike the seeds on Earth that are often softened and eroded by wind, water and moon dust, they are not round but sharp and often exposed to radiation from the Sun. Long astronauts on the Moon are at risk of DNA damage from inhalation of dust, experts warned.