Artificial intelligence of Google can detect cancer

With recent advances in AI technology, Google has been working to bring AI into the medical and health care field.

Lily Peng, product manager of the medical research group at Google Research, shared how the US technology giant is using deep-seated algorithms to analyze medical images and automatically detect Pathological signs. For example, swollen blood vessels in the eye or cancerous tumors.

Based on the workings of the human brain, deep learning algorithms use large artificial neural networks to rearrange new information, allowing computerized self-learning without human programming.

Picture 1 of Artificial intelligence of Google can detect cancer
Google will commercialize artificial intelligence to detect cancer.

"The artificial neural network has existed since the 1960s. But now with more powerful algorithms, we can build more layers into the system to handle more complex tasks with precision. high, " said Google Research Product Manager.

On the medical front, Google has made significant progress in developing a retina imaging algorithm that helps distinguish signs of diabetic retinopathy, one of the fastest growing causes of blindness. Google has designed an AI algorithm to analyze retinal images and identify the characteristics of diabetic retinopathy.

Another area where many of Google's AI technologies are used is cancer detection . The technology giant is developing another deep learning algorithm to examine biopsies to determine the location of metastatic breast cancer that has spread to the lymph nodes.

"What we are trying to do is find out where there is lymphoma in the lymph nodes, which helps determine the patient's cancer stage and treatment guidelines , " Lily Peng said.

Google researchers say it will take some time before devices run on Google's deep learning algorithms to be commercialized for use in the healthcare industry. Because it must ensure sufficient clinical data shows efficacy and accuracy before seeking approval from the regulatory authority.