Artificial light is easy to cause infectious disease

A new study by Brazilian scientists shows that artificial light can alter the behavior of humans and insects, thereby increasing the incidence of insect-borne diseases.

Picture 1 of Artificial light is easy to cause infectious disease
Artificial light. (Internet photo)

Scientists have experimented with T.cruzi sand fleas and insects, which are very easy to be attracted to artificial light.

These two insects often transmit pathogenic bacteria into food, thereby increasing the probability of catching infectious diseases in humans.

On the other hand, when there is light, the time of human external activity increases, which increases the chance of contact with insects.

Although artificial light gives people a lot of usefulness that cannot be measured, it helps to make human activities more convenient at night, but it also increases the probability of contact between people and cats. coincidentally, causing infectious diseases.

The research results are of significant significance providing references for future studies related to infectious diseases.