At what point is the body discharged?

The liver and lungs will remove the best toxins when you are fast asleep from 23:00 to 5:00 the next morning.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, organs in the human body work in a continuous cycle every day. Providing the body with nutrients and energy, while eliminating waste is a natural way to keep it healthy. However, when the waste is not removed, it will turn into toxic and harmful to health.

According to Shang Hai Daily, a healthy body can release most toxins and waste. Dr. Jiang Zaifeng, health advisor at the Bao Zhidi TCM Culture Salon Center, said every agency has a different time to release toxins effectively . 12 major meridians (each meridian equivalent to 2 hours) will provide the best energy and toxins for a particular organ.

5-7h: The big intestine

You can eat plenty of fiber-rich foods to reduce the risk of constipation. Massaging, massage of the colon, lower abdomen located on the right arm will also help this organ to discharge effectively.

7-11h: Stomach and spleen

Breakfast at 7-9 am is better because the stomach meridian is on duty. Adequate energy supplementation will help the stomach digest all food, absorb enough nutrients to the spleen meridians, the body works from 9-11am. The spleen converts stomach food absorbed into energy. As a result, no leftover food is converted into fat if it is sent to the "production line" in time.

Practicing abdominal breathing in kneeling posture in the morning can help promote blood flow and energy in the stomach, thus improving metabolism and digestion. Foods like honey, peanuts, carrots and apples are good for the stomach.

Picture 1 of At what point is the body discharged?
Each part of the body has different detox time zones.(Photo: Centerinc).

11-13h: Cardiology

Avoid intense exercise at this time because it can affect the heart. Foods like labels, apples for lunch help provide proper heart and blood supply. You should also take a nap at this time to help your heart remove toxins and work better. However, taking a nap right after eating can upset the stomach, so you should walk 15 minutes before going to bed and should sleep less than an hour.

13-17h: Bowel and bladder

After lunch and a nap, this is the time for the small intestine and bladder to start working. The main function of the small intestine is to distribute the digested nutrients. It sends fluid to the bladder, waste to the large intestine and nutrients to the spleen to create blood and energy.

The small intestine is the key to nutrient absorption, so Dr. Jiang recommends having a nutritious and light lunch that is easily absorbed. You can do a simple exercise like kicking your feet at a table to activate the small intestine to work better.

Bladder meridian is very important to remove toxins. All toxins in other organs must go to the bladder and go out through the urine. Drinking more water at this time can boost the urinary detoxification process.

17-19h: Kidney

Accumulated toxins in the kidney are often accompanied by edema. Jogging or walking at this time can help your kidneys detoxify. Good kidney foods including mushrooms, kelp can be added at dinner.

19-21h: Outer membrane of the heart

The pericardium is a fluid-filled bag that surrounds the heart and roots of large blood vessels. People may suffer from insomnia or tightness in the chest when the pericardium does not have an effective toxin.

23h-5h: Gallbladder, liver and lungs

The gallbladder, liver and lungs are active during this time. Toxins are eliminated most effectively for all three parts when people are deep asleep. Therefore, many health experts recommend going to bed before 23:00. Consuming food such as oatmeal, walnuts or warm milk before bed can help you improve sleep.