ATM keyboard dirty like toilet seats

A recent British study showed that the keyboard on an automated teller machine (ATM) has many pathogens that are nearly as bad as a public toilet or toilet.

Picture 1 of ATM keyboard dirty like toilet seats
ATM keyboards contain many bacteria such as E.Coli and Coliform.

Sponsored by a company that produces antibacterial surface coatings, British researchers find the amount of bacteria on the surface of some public places.

The study surfaces include a toilet seat or a public toilet, a shopping cart handle in a supermarket, a hand holding a gasoline pump at automatic gas stations (self-pumping and self-paying buyers). by card) and ATM keyboard.

By using absorbent pads on the surface to be studied, put the absorbent pads into sterilized, sealed bags, then bring them to the culture laboratory on specialized discs ., the scientists count the number of bacteria included in the form. The results were unexpected.

All samples found bacteria, including E. coli and Coliform, the indicator bacteria are abundant in human feces. Of the four surface samples studied, the surface of the toilet was the most bacterial and the ATM keyboard ranked second with an approximate level.

Researchers do not mention other types of bacteria but, according to another British study, 80% of human illnesses are spread by hand-to-hand contact, including germs that cause tuberculosis and disease. common cold.

ATM keyboards can lead to antibiotic resistant cross-infection (MRSA), staph aureus bacteria that cause food poisoning. Even, there is an ATM keyboard that has detected human stools. Scientists recommend that, while waiting for a generation of ATM keyboards to attach anti-bacterial surface layer (which they do not trust the effectiveness of this type of material), the best way, consumers themselves protect yourself with the old measures. This is either wearing gloves or wiping your hands with a disposable wet towel or washing your hands immediately after working on a public keyboard.