According to science, how often should you clean the keyboard?

That is the truth that everyone knows. Specifically, a normal computer desk contains 400 times more bacteria than the toilet!

Toilet toilets usually have only 7 bacteria on 1cm 2 - can be said to be extremely clean compared to a computer, especially a computer used by many different people.

A hospital in Chicago found that their computer keyboard contained Staphylococcus-resistant strains of bacteria like MRSA for up to 24 hours.

Another hospital in the Netherlands studied their 100 keyboards and found 95 positive for Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, and many other microorganisms, turning them into the dirtiest surfaces in the intensive care unit.

We use computers with a high frequency, which is why the stains often get into the gaps between the keys. We also often rush to type something quickly after going out, eating right at the computer desk, and typing the keyboard while holding sticky substances.

At the office, we use the computer while we are talking, sneezing and coughing up the keyboard all day.

Picture 1 of According to science, how often should you clean the keyboard?
Everyone should clean the computer desk and keyboard at least once a week.

When to clean the keyboard?

Most microbiologists agree that people should clean the computer desk and keyboard at least once a week.

Doctors and nurses at the National Center for Health Research (NCHR) recommend keyboards in hospitals that need to be disinfected more often, at least once a day. NCHR also advised us to wash our hands before and after using any shared computer, especially during the flu season.

If you alone use a computer (and don't touch many people on a regular day), most of the bacteria on the keyboard come from . your own hands and fingers, so they will not cause any problems.

Anyway, washing your hands before and after eating often helps your computer desk sit longer than usual.

How to clean the keyboard

Cleaning and disinfection of the keyboard is a simple and effective step.

First, power off the computer and unplug the power cord before starting disinfection. Then remove any plaque on the keyboard with compressed air spray before cleaning them.

Melissa Maker specialist recommends using a liquid solution between water and alcohol (equal ratio), and wiping with a microfiber cloth. You can also use the swab to dab the solution to wipe between keys.

By the way, why don't you take advantage of your phone? Smartphone is very susceptible to sticking and Streptococcus because we hold them on hand all day and take them everywhere.

Philip Tierno - a pathologist and pathologist at New York University - suggests cleaning the phone at the end of each day to ensure that all bacteria are removed!