Do you like the feeling of typing on a computer with a mechanical keyboard, but don't like the clicking sound of it? Try these 6 tips right away to help reduce the noise of a

About 150 years ago, all papers and letters were handwritten with ink pens, and every 1 to 2 words people had to tap on ink bottles making writing very slow and easy to dirty. .

Why is ice cream eaten with cinnamon, why do saving tubes have a pig figure ... do you think you understand all the uses and meanings of these items?

The list of the most useless keys on the computer keyboard and what their main function is.

The keyboard leg is supposed to help your hands type more comfortably. But is it true?

A recent study by Vanderbilt University, Tennessee (USA) scientists showed that typing keyboard style

Worldwide, there are keyboards worth up to several thousand dollars, such as the Happy Hacking Keyboard.

Research shows that on your keyboard, there are more than 3,000 microorganisms growing every 6.45 cm2.

Undeniably, the computer keyboard is

Not everyone knows how to keep the computer clean so that it can be used more sustainably.