Australia faces 'hot winter'

Australia has just experienced the hottest August in history amid increasing winter temperatures. Climate experts blame this situation for global warming.

Australian meteorological agency said the temperature in August last 2.47 degrees higher than the average annual temperature in August. In Bedourie (Queensland), temperatures reach 38.5 degrees C. New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia also experience the warmest winter ever.

Picture 1 of Australia faces 'hot winter'

Two Aboriginal people walk on a bridge over a dry river in Alice Springs, Australia (Photo: BBC)

' Earlier last week, we recorded temperatures in many localities in New South Wales and southern Queensland rising to 4-5 degrees Celsius, a record high ,' said Blair Trewin of the National Climate Center.

Scientists believe this abnormal temperature is the result of global warming and the natural changes of climate.

Meanwhile, a new report from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) says climate changes in the Arctic region are happening faster than expected and may soon have an impact on climate. the bridge warms up.

As predicted, due to the effects of climate change, sea level will rise by about 1.2 m by 2100. Climate change in the Arctic will also affect storms and change rainfall. across Asia, Europe and North America.