Bats know how to swim and catch fish

Picture 1 of Bats know how to swim and catch fish In Central and South America, there is a very good type of bat that catches fish with the scientific name Noctilio Leporinus. This is a strong bats, with a V-shaped head; pointed snout; short back. The back of the male is red yellow, the female back is brown or gray.

Bats catch live fish into groups. During the day, they hang themselves to sleep in caves, rocks or hollow trees. By evening and all night, they flew to hunt fish. With sharp and sharp claws, they easily grabbed the ill-fated fish swimming quietly in the darkness. This is because they have echolocation to detect ripples caused by fish swimming near the surface of the water.

Bats catch fish and a special talent is very good swimming, know how to use wings like paddles, they also know how to catch and eat insects, eat hard animals.

Picture 2 of Bats know how to swim and catch fish Noctilio Leporinus bats give birth around mid December and March next year, but there are occasional exceptions. Only one baby bat is born at a time.

Adult males are about 1dm long, weigh about 54 grams.