Beam of hypnotic illusions that move makes you

No less will you feel "dizzy dizzy" when looking at these illusion pictures.

>>> Check outthe types of visual illusions that cheat the brain
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Always inspired with visual and visual illusion, artist Florian de Looj has published his unique photos. According to him, the collection is full of "flavors" , from mathematical models, slippery blocks or creative, flexible designs of dots.

These mirage images are based on the phenomenon of eye image retention , which not only has an entertaining effect but also analyzes brain activity.

Optical illusions (optical illusions) are visual tricks by arranging images, color effects, light sources and some other "tricks" that make viewers see images as they are.

Picture 1 of Beam of hypnotic illusions that move makes you

Picture 2 of Beam of hypnotic illusions that move makes you

This phenomenon occurs when the eye's nerve cells absorb light, different colors lead to deviations.

Picture 3 of Beam of hypnotic illusions that move makes you

Picture 4 of Beam of hypnotic illusions that move makes you

According to experts, the brain has many cells adjusted to respond to certain characteristics and directions of an image or stimulation.

Picture 5 of Beam of hypnotic illusions that move makes you

When there is no movement inside the image, these cells almost create the same reaction - looking in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction.

Picture 6 of Beam of hypnotic illusions that move makes you

When cells in the brain are sensitive to a certain direction of motion become tired, it activates brain cells in response to the opposite direction.

Picture 7 of Beam of hypnotic illusions that move makes you

This makes the eye mistakenly think that the standing object seems to be moving.

Picture 8 of Beam of hypnotic illusions that move makes you

Because most virtual images have one thing in common, such as color, block shape, overlapping overlap . so it makes the viewers more "confused".

Picture 9 of Beam of hypnotic illusions that move makes you

Picture 10 of Beam of hypnotic illusions that move makes you

Because the photos make viewers feel like they're lost in a maze.

Picture 11 of Beam of hypnotic illusions that move makes you