Beautiful astronomical photos last week

Invite you to admire the beautiful astronomical images - the universe of NASA last week.

Picture 1 of Beautiful astronomical photos last week
Dale Gardner astronaut is recovering the Westar 6 satellite after a rocket rocket problem caused it to fail to reach geostationary trajectory in 1984. Westar 6 was brought to Earth for repair and sale.

Picture 2 of Beautiful astronomical photos last week
Nebula NGC 604 is located in the galaxy M33, our Milky Way neighbor is a very active crystalline region with globular clusters, supernova explosions, newborn babies, etc.

Picture 3 of Beautiful astronomical photos last week
The far-away light coming from a town still across the sky is the Milky Way along with two Magellan clouds in the left corner of the image.

Picture 4 of Beautiful astronomical photos last week
This 3D image was made from two photographs of Apollo 17 on December 11, 1972 before landing on the Moon. We can see the mountains that are visible under the sun and far away are the Serenitatis sea.

Picture 5 of Beautiful astronomical photos last week
The photo is composed of 8 photos with a bending effect that gives us a 360-degree view of the sky on Queensland coast, Australia when the total solar eclipse took place on November 24th. The sky suddenly turned dark, so that some bright stars could be clearly seen.

Picture 6 of Beautiful astronomical photos last week
The Geminids meteor shower came from a point towards the constellation Gemini which was recorded in a composite photo of 30 20-second exposure shots, taken from the Paranal observatory in the Atacama desert, Chile.