Beautiful sea creatures are discreet

Brown algae, glass sponges . and a number of other mollusks living modestly under the ocean were submarine of American oceanographer Sylvia A. Earle photographed and introduced.

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Brown algae are usually found in cold waters, taken on the California coast. They often have leafy branches of terrestrial plants interconnected into a long strip of yellow and brown. This algae, along with some of its relatives, can be used as food. Scientists say algae populations are one of the organisms that make the most active photosynthesis on the ocean floor.

Picture 2 of Beautiful sea creatures are discreet

Although living on the bottom of the ocean, spherical sponges have a close relationship with land vertebrates, whose spines are composed of calcium or silicon. At the bottom of the ocean, each spherical sponge is a dangerous trap for crustaceans like shrimp, crabs .

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A relative of spherical sponges, glass sponges often appear in warm waters. When it dies, this species forms long and dense reefs that can interfere with waterway traffic.

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Outwardly bizarre like alien creatures and rather simple structure, this mollusk is a living organism and has an evolutionary relationship very close to many other marine species including 17,000 species of fish, 10 species sea ​​turtles and 80 species of sea snakes .

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The name is sea lilies, but this is a true animal that has a close proximity to the starfish species, just like another species called sea cucumber. The common feature of the species is that there are limestone plates under the skin and symmetrical structure in the pentagram. In addition, this species has many long tubular legs that move thanks to the powerful bio-pump system.

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The picture of the bottom-up moonfish jellyfish gives the viewer the feeling that this animal dissolves thoroughly into the surrounding environment. Living the drifting life on the ocean floor, the food of this jellyfish is usually phytoplankton.

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Dr. Sylvia A. Earle controls the Nuytco submarine, a device that helps with the above set. She is the founder of two ocean exploration companies and dark seas (where sunlight cannot reach) contributing to discovering more seas where humanity is little known.