A fisherman caught a crab shaped appearance that looks like 'Predator' - a terrifying shaping monster in the same name science fiction film that was produced in 1987. Scary shape

The People's Committee of Nhon Hai Commune, Quy Nhon City (Binh Dinh) said a sea turtle - also known as a green turtle, a precious marine species named in the Red Book, has just

Australian scientists have discovered that weedy seadragon has unique signs and males often gather in individual groups.

If the situation of bluff exploitation is not soon prevented, in the near future perhaps the oceans will remain only deep sea.

Scientists have recently discovered a number of special seaworm species. They can secrete bubbles-like objects with brilliant colors at night, helping to distract predators.

Ocean Conservancy claims China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam are the top 5 countries that discharge marine products, contributing up to 60% of plastic waste in

The ocean floor is home to many giant and mysterious sea creatures: white shark, giant mussel ...

Photographer Jason Bradley has just published photos

The image of giant jellyfish and squid are two of many impressive images in the collection of rare photos on the ocean floor, made by photographer Bob Cranston, from California,

Starfish camouflage colors like anemones, stealth clown fish in the tingling tentacles of sea flowers to avoid enemies, poisonous jellyfish, sunflower-legged grass know fish traps