Before having a toothbrush, how did the old people clean their teeth?

Find out the amazing tools that the ancients used to clean their teeth before the toothbrush appeared.

Toothbrushes are an indispensable item - when we need to use them at least twice a day.

But have you ever wondered how tribal people living in forests or ancient people clean their teeth - when they don't have a toothbrush, as well as toothpaste?

Picture 1 of Before having a toothbrush, how did the old people clean their teeth?
Miswak chewing wood.

In the course of history, scientists have discovered that ancient Egyptians used chewing sticks to clean their teeth.

Chewing sticks (or chewing wood) are said to be "ancestors" of today's toothbrush. Specifically, the ancient Egyptians used small wooden branches, sharpened one end to floss their teeth with the use of toothpicks now. When this head started to be full, they had them removed and used to brush their teeth.

Picture 2 of Before having a toothbrush, how did the old people clean their teeth?
Chewing sticks (or chewing wood) are said to be "ancestors" of today's toothbrush.

Not only brushing teeth, the ancient Egyptians also know how to combine with pumice powder and acidic substances to clean their teeth. This is said to be the foundation of the appearance of brushes and toothpaste later.

It is known that archaeologists have discovered quite a lot of traces of these chewing sticks in the tomb of the ancient Egyptians. That's why they believe that the ancient Egyptians used chewing wood as a way to clean their teeth.

Picture 3 of Before having a toothbrush, how did the old people clean their teeth?
Ancient Egyptians used chewing wood as a way to clean their teeth.

And more surprisingly, it is that in some areas in Africa today, especially the small tribes living in isolation, they still use these chewing logs (called Miswak) to brush teeth.

Other than that, they chose small twigs of Peelu (or Arak), sometimes walnut or olive trees to clean their "chunks" .

According to the study, these branches kill the bacteria that cause gum disease, fight plaque better, thereby cleaning teeth but safe.

Picture 4 of Before having a toothbrush, how did the old people clean their teeth?
When the tip of the brush is dirty or tangled, they will cut off that part and start with a new "brush" head.

To use Miswak, first they peel or chew the bark about 1.2cm at the top. Then chew the top of the wooden stick so that the fibers start to separate. They will use this fiber to brush teeth like a regular toothbrush.

When the tip of the brush is dirty or tangled, they will cut off that part and start with a new "brush" head. When not in use, they will soak the head of Miswak stick into rose water to clean.