Benefits of reading and writing with the elderly

Reading and writing can protect the brain of older people, while delaying the aging process of the brain, according to a study published on Healthmeup.

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Dr. Konstantinos Arfanakis and colleagues at Rush University Medical Center and Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago, USA) have discovered the effects of mental activity on the white brain region, including axons nerve, which is responsible for transmitting information to the brain.

So reading an article, writing a few letters, crossword puzzles, going to the library, playing games or playing chess . are all simple activities that work very well with the brain.

Picture 1 of Benefits of reading and writing with the elderly
The brain maintains youthfulness through reading - (Photo: Shutterstock)

Scientists have asked older people to participate in the study to increase the number of mental activities, such as reading newspapers, writing letters, playing cards or other games that use the mind . And the result is that these mental activities can help the brain in older people be healthier.

According to Dr. Arfanakis, human neurotransmitter capacity began to decline at around the age of 30. Therefore, one of the measures that contribute to this ability is reading.'Reading is the best medicine to maintain the intellectual ability of the elderly' , scientists concluded.

They used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to collect data on the brain's ability to transmit information and the results showed that the ability to transmit information in the axons of active people higher spirit than others.

The study had 152 people at an average age of 81 participants, and showed positive results as above. These findings were presented at the annual meeting of the North American Radiology Association (RSNA) in Chicago, USA.