Birthday Reminders with 'Birthday Reminder'

Picture 1 of Birthday Reminders with 'Birthday Reminder' Is there any way to remember the birth date of hundreds of people you know? Birthday Reminder will help you do that.

How to use Birthday Reminder (BR) is easy, just take a moment to enter the birth date of all the people you know, then make an appointment to 'remind' these birthdays when you make an appointment. is done. How to do the following:

Click on the ' Add Birthday ' button to enter the input interface -> Enter the name of the person to remember the birthday in the box ' Name ' -> Enter the year of birth in box ' Year ', month in the ' Month ' box and the date in the box. ' Day ' -> Enter a note about this relationship in the ' Additional Comment ' -> ' Start File on Birthday ' box will allow you to activate a file in your computer when the reminder time has arrived. .

It is better to choose a digital music file or video file to enable BR to remind you in a very 'artistic' way. For example, click the ' Browser ' button to find an MP3 file that shows the MP3 ' Happy Birthday ' is quite appropriate -> Enter the ' Pre-Reminder ' box the number of days to remind before the official birthday, enter The number 5 or 7 is moderate -> click ' OK ' to finish. You can click on the ' Test Reminding Massage button ! 'to preview the reminder panel.

When it is time to remind, about 5 or 7 days before the birthday, when you turn on the computer for the first time of the day, BR will give you a reminder board with a Happy Birthday MP3 song that automatically sings to remind you that it is about to come. to someone's birthday, to pay attention to you should prepare cards, gifts . are medium.

To correct someone's entered details, click on the ' Edit Birthday ' button, or most of the ' Delete Birthday ' button to delete it. To save all data entered, go to menu ' File ' -> select ' Backup Birthday File ' to BR save the data entered into a file with the INI extension. You can copy this INI file to use on another computer by going to the newly installed File menu of BR, then selecting ' Import Birthday File ' to reuse the old data.

1-abc Software is selling Birthday Reminder 1.01 for $ 10. Users can go here to download the trial version with a capacity of only about 129 KB or find the official version at the software store.