Bite nails causing stomach and intestinal disease

Picture 1 of Bite nails causing stomach and intestinal disease Does your child bite your nails? Beware of this habit that increases their risk of digestive and intestinal diseases, such as worm infection.

Biting your nails will put nails and bacteria in your mouth and into your stomach and reproduce, causing many intestinal diseases. According to SKThakur, a gastroenterologist at India's Sitaram Bhartia Hospital, in one of the four gastrointestinal patients in India, one is due to nail biting.

Biting nails also harms incisors, affecting chewing, pronouncing . Children have a habit of biting nails or biting their skin around, scratching their skin and turning bacteria and viruses in their mouths up there. Long-term nail biting also affects nail growth and bad nails.

According to experts, about 50% of 10-18-year-old nail bites at this time, 23% of adults 18-22 years old also bite their nails.