Blog history

Technorati search site statistics: Every day there are nearly 175,000 blogs born, a half a second later. By the end of 2006, Technorati 'counted' a total of 60 million blogs worldwide.

Before blogs became popular, the virtual community had many forms of connections like Usenet, E-mail and Forum. In the early 1990s, Internet forum software like WebEx created online conversations, with 'threads' (each thread opened a discussion topic).

At that time, several personal websites linked together to argue to create a 'common home' in the virtual community.

Website includes 2 types: web of a corporation, company . and personal web. It is surmised, 'weblog' comes from a freelance journalist Matt Drudge, who often hunts and writes online articles to newsrooms. But just rumors.

The term 'Weblog' appeared on December 17, 1997, when Jorn Barger, one of the few personal web owners, called his site 'weblog'. 'Weblog' is shortened to 'blog' when Blogger named Peter Merholz was 'naughty' from weblog from we blog on his '' site in January 1999.

Picture 1 of Blog history Since then the term blog has played the role of a noun and a verb. The blog continued to grow, until 1997 there were only 100 blogs, but by December 2005 there were over 20 million blogs. And in 1999 'booming' blog.

In October 1998, the Open Diary site opened, which soon developed into thousands of pages of online diaries (blog's predecessor). Open Diary becomes the first blogging community.

A blogger named Andrew Smales created the site in July 1999 as a creation of a "new site" on the website. Diaryland followed Smales in September 1999, creating a 'community diary' (blog).

In August 1999, two bloggers named Evan Williams and Meg Hourihan created '', which in February 2003, Google wanted to own had to pay for huge amounts of money.

In 2001, blogs marked influence in the US with the site '', '', 'Political'. Famous merchant Jerome Armstrong also owns ''.

All these blogs are primarily about politics. In 2002, Jerome Armstrong and his blog friend 'DailyKos' talked about business, millions of visits to the blog every day, becoming the most visited blog of that time.

In 2002, the Second Iraq War overthrew President Saddam Hussein's regime. This topic became the first 'blog battle'. American soldiers who fought in Iraq vented their mind on the 'personal world'; then this movement is also called 'warblog' (blog about war).

In 2004, blogs became important not only for online community life, but also as an effective means of public opinion polls.

Politicians like Senator Tom Watson of the British Labor Party call blogs with the name 'political adviser'. Also in 2004, Merriam - Webster dictionary solemnly named 'blog' as the Year of the Year, the 10 most searched words in the world.

In 2005, the blog became a place of sharing, donating to support Tsunami tsunami victims to attack Asia in December 2005. At this time, blogs are reporting faster than newspapers and 'connecting people' closer together. The Medecins Sans Frontieres blog sent information to the press about the tsunami consequences in Sri Lanka and South Asia.

In 2006 and also in 2007, blogs are no longer simply online diaries. It has become a colorful picture of a happy life with completely real details.

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