Blood test method helps detect cancer 5 years early

Recent research by American experts opens new steps in detecting and preventing cancer early.

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Harvard University scientists recently published a study to detect cancer early 5 years. Accordingly, only by blood tests, doctors can diagnose a person's ability to develop cancer.

Picture 1 of Blood test method helps detect cancer 5 years early

Specifically, experts conduct tests to check for a mutant blood cell from which to draw conclusions. In fact, they found: 13 times more than normal people within the next 5 years.

Picture 2 of Blood test method helps detect cancer 5 years early
Different types of cancer can be detected by this test

According to experts, it is possible to draw such conclusions based on the concept of the regeneration cycle of cells. In fact, the body's cells constantly regenerate over time, especially blood cells.

This increases the rate of mutation by age. In other words, the older people get, the greater the risk of diseases like cancer.

Picture 3 of Blood test method helps detect cancer 5 years early

However, according to Associate Professor Steven McCarroll, this is a completely inaccurate belief. Cancer is actually not when people get old, but their germs appear for a long time.

Therefore, when young, if a blood test shows a high rate of mutation, the person is more likely to develop cancer later.

Picture 4 of Blood test method helps detect cancer 5 years early

With research by Harvard experts, people can predict cancer risk very early. In the most optimistic scenario, the detection time is about 5 years before the disease starts.

That's when the blood cells in the body begin to mutate and can completely stop. Meanwhile, if left too late, the number of mutant cells increases rapidly over time. And cancer is an inevitable consequence at the end of that cycle.

Picture 5 of Blood test method helps detect cancer 5 years early
Cancer has a relatively long incubation period but blood tests will help us detect them very early

Siddhartha Jaiswal said, 'At the time of cancer coming out with clinical signs, the mutation has accumulated for many years so there is a high risk of malignancy. What we are doing is finding the disease very soon, at the time the cells are just beginning the mutation process. '

This research has opened up a new direction in the fight against the incurable death of humanity. Instead of figuring out how to remove the tumor when the cancer has spread, people are aiming to prevent and eliminate the risk of cancer since they have not yet appeared.

Reference: Telegraph