Bluetooth unlocking tool is public

German programmers have just announced an intrusion code for Bluetooth devices through a flaw in the standard. Accordingly, even if users turn on security features, they will still be eavesdropped and take control of the device control.

Experts have just met at the Chaos media conference in Berlin (Germany) to discuss two tools to attack devices using Bluetooth wireless communication standard (including computers). Their aim is to warn this very little capital security vulnerability is of interest.

According to Thierry Zoller, who introduced the tool and a security consultant, businesses often ignore the problem for Bluetooth and they need to be aware of the basic weakness in wireless standards.

The BTCRack program was developed by Zoller to exploit the known vulnerability since 2005, taking advantage of the vulnerability in the Bluetooth device PIN, allowing the attacker to eavesdrop and access the host computer, both caller and receiver. The receiving head, even if the security barrier turned on.

HID Attack is the hijacking tool for Bluetooth keyboard using standard HID, allowing access to sensitive systems. " I realized this problem while developing a software key ," said Collin Mulliner, who wrote the product. "Its risk is huge because an attacker can access the terminal system ."

The attack on this device is not easy because when the hacker accesses the device, the screen will light up, causing users to suspect and can turn off Bluetooth. However, advances in exploiting this standard's vulnerability force experts to find a safer solution.