Boomerang - The coldest region in the universe

International astronomers have just confirmed the Boomerang nebula, 5,000 light-years from Earth, the coldest region in the universe with a temperature of about -272.2 degrees Celsius.

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Picture 1 of Boomerang - The coldest region in the universe
Boomerang Nebula shaped like a ghost - (Photo:

According to the Astrophysical Journal , scientists initially used the Hubble space telescope and discovered the Boomerang nebula with a strange shape like a boomerang. However, by studying with the ALMA telescope system in Chile, experts discovered the actual shape of this nebula is like a strange ghost.

The Boomerang Nebula is an extremely cold region with temperatures down to -272.15 degrees Celsius, colder than the cosmic background radiation (-270.35 degrees Celsius) dating from the Big Bang and only lost a little compared to absolute zero (-273.15 degrees C).

'This super-cold object is very strange and we understand its nature more with the ALMA telescope system - Raghvendra Sahai expert from NASA's Aerospace Agency (NASA) said - Thinking of its shape like a boomerang, but the reality is that it has a much larger structure and is rapidly expanding in space. '

The Boomerang Nebula belongs to the type of planetary nebulae , meaning the layers of gas and dust released by the stars near the end of their lives. Sahai experts say that by studying the Boomerang nebula, scientists will learn more about how stars die and become planetary nebulae.