Reveal the list of the 7 most massive

Each planet retains a special feature, surpassing all the rest of the universe.

The earth is still "unique" about the ability to nurture life. And that is why our planet is the most special in this whole universe.

However, not only Earth is special. With trillions of planets in vast galaxies, many planets also have outstanding differences from the rest.

1. The hottest planet in the universe

In the solar system, Mercury has the closest orbit to the Sun, so it is not uncommon for the planet's surface temperature to reach 430 degrees Celsius.

The Sun itself has a temperature of about 5,500 degrees Celsius. However, have you ever thought that a planet has a temperature almost similar to a star? Please come to the star system - star planet KELT-9 (or HD 195689) is 615 light years away.

Picture 1 of Reveal the list of the 7 most massive
KELT - 9b is a hot planet far beyond many red dwarfs.

KELT-9 is a giant star, 2.5 times more massive than the Sun, and a surface temperature of 10,000 degrees Celsius.

The problem is that one of the planets around it, KELT-9b, has an orbit even closer to Mercury and the Sun.

It is estimated that Mercury takes 88 days to go all around the Sun, while the KELT-9b cycle is only . a day and a half.

That is also the reason why the planet reached the "hottest universe" title , with the average surface temperature falling to about 4,300 degrees Celsius, which is like a small star.

2. The coldest planet in the universe

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OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb is the universe's coldest planet.

With temperatures only greater than "absolute zero" (0 degrees K or -273 degrees C) about 50 degrees Celsius, OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb has recently been identified as the coldest planet in the universe to now on.

The planet has a mass of 5.5 times the Earth, with a distance not too far from its host star (almost equivalent to the distance between Jupiter and the Sun). The only problem is that it revolves around a red dwarf whose mass is too low.

At such temperatures, the planet does not even have an atmosphere, because the gases have been frozen, creating a permafrost of the planet's surface.

3. The largest planet in the universe

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Brown dwarfs are stars larger than the planet, but much smaller than normal.

Stars differ from planets in that they have extremely large masses, with a strong gravitational force enough to activate the fusion process.

But between stars and planets there is another kind of planet. These are stars big enough to begin the fusion process, but not enough to maintain continuity. They are called brown dwarfs .

Brown dwarfs are stars larger than the planet, but much smaller than normal. For example, the DENIS-P J082303.1-491201 b planet, it is 28.5 times more massive than Jupiter, and is the largest planet ever found by NASA.

It was so big that NASA and many other scientists had to argue about what type of it should be classified: a planet like Jupiter, or a brown dwarf.

4. The smallest planet in the universe

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The size is only slightly above the Moon.

Bigger than the Moon and smaller than Mercury, it's Kepler-37b - the "tiny" planet of the universe.

The planet has a very hot surface temperature, because orbits around the star are closer than Mercury to the Sun.

5. "Elder" of the universe .

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Planet PSR B1620-26 b is the oldest planet in the universe.

According to many convention theories, the universe formed 13.8 billion years ago. Yet the planet PSR B1620-26 b has . 12.7 billion years old, and that has turned "instrument" into the oldest planet in the universe.

"Instrument" PSR B1620-26 b is a giant gas globule, 2.5 times more massive than Jupiter, revolving around two host stars, including a neutron star.

But too early "birth" also has suffering. When formed at a time too early, it seems that the planet does not have the necessary elements for life to appear.

6. . and "bamboo shoots" of galaxies

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This planet was only formed about 2 million years ago.

Stellar system - the youngest planetarium V830 Tauri planet formed about 2 million years ago. This number is very long for a human life, but compared to the universe is like a blink of an eye.

Why the owner of this system has a mass only equal to the Sun but the radius is twice as large, ie still need more time to complete. Meanwhile, the planet has a mass of 3/4 Jupiter, and seems to continue to "grow".

7. The place with the most extreme climate

This time the throne belongs to a planet in our own solar system: Venus !

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The air on Venus is full of sulfuric acid.

Venus is about the same size as Earth, but the air is filled with sulfuric acid. Here, the atmosphere moves faster than the planet's rotation speed, so there is no wind. Instead, everyday images of Venus are hurricanes at speeds of up to 360km / h.

In addition, Venus's atmosphere is about 100 times thicker than Earth, but 95% is CO 2 . It produces a terrifying greenhouse effect, causing the planet's surface temperature to reach 462 degrees Celsius - which is hotter than Mercury, even if not near the Sun.

However, it is important to know that it is not yet certain that Kim has the most extreme climate in the universe. It's just that exoplanets (extrasolar planets) are located too far away, so we can't observe the climate on them.