Boss always makes sense

Three prisoners were in front of a squinty eye guard.The prisoner rolled his eyes and looked at the offender A and asked: Picture 1 of Boss always makes sense

- What's your name?

Prisoner B rushed to say:

- Yes, my name is Ali.

The prisoner looked over at B-prisoner screaming in anger:

- I didn't ask you.

Mr. C is afraid to shout:

- But, I didn't say anything.

Picture 2 of Boss always makes sense

Lieutenant gathered the unit and asked:

- Before joining the army, who among you did drink alcohol?

- All quiet. Timidly, finally the new Brarin soldier came out of the line.

- Good, Lieutenant says - Go drink with me. All went to the grass.

o o o

First Division asked the commander:

- Sir, the crocodile can't fly, right? Picture 3 of Boss always makes sense

- Of course it is, so who told you that stupid thing?

- Mr. Major.

- Oh, I forgot.Of course alligators can fly.But it flies very low, very low.