Why is the boss so peaceful that the dog boss rolled around in the pile?

A lot of dog owners have had to experience the situation: the freshly freshly-groomed dog boss suddenly plunges into a puddle, even a pile of fertilizer to roll.

With a puppy walking freely in the beautiful sunshine, unfortunately, you come across a pile of dirty garbage. Sometimes it is a stool, the body of an animal. And remember what your dog does?

A lot of owners had to shudder and cry, because their dog boss ran fast and rolled himself happily and happily in the messy mess.

Can not imagine. In fact, our beloved dog has an amazing nose with about 300 million olfactory receptor cells! So why can't they be able to tell which is the stench?

Calm down and go find the reasons for this action!

1. Great hiding skills, evading enemies

Picture 1 of Why is the boss so peaceful that the dog boss rolled around in the pile?
Dogs also act quite "smart" when rolling on the stool to stalk the enemy.

If you've ever seen The Walking Dead , you'll find the first explanation for the odd act of rolling on the stinky things of a puppy.

In the movie, to avoid the hunt for the horrors of zombies, humans used their blood on their bodies to hide their body odor. Similarly, dogs also act quite "smart" when rolling themselves on feces or carcasses to hide from the stalking of the enemy.

But that is the science that assumes that. In fact, this action only makes the lotus mad.

2. Effective hunting methods

Picture 2 of Why is the boss so peaceful that the dog boss rolled around in the pile?
Acting to scrape yourself into things that smell like is a dog's disguise.

Acting to scrape yourself into what smells is the way to disguise them, helping them to deceive their prey and come back to attack suddenly.

Maybe this is the instinct of dogs! Because from ancient times, the ancestors of dogs disguised and attacked the enemy like that.

Dr Stanley Coren, a dog behavioral researcher, said: "When hunting antelope, wild dogs often pry themselves in the antelope. From there, they can deceive the olfactory bulb of the antelope and do they are off guard. "

3. Replace communication capabilities

Picture 3 of Why is the boss so peaceful that the dog boss rolled around in the pile?
This can also be a way of communicating dogs.

On the other hand, this may be an action to inform the herd of what they have found during the hunt.

Pat Goodmann, an animal care specialist at Wolf Forest Park (Indiana, USA) once said: "During the hunt, if you encounter a strange smell (possibly animal carcasses or feces), they will often smelling and rolling around to bring this smell back to the whole group ".

Not only that, they can roll themselves when they smell fragrant smells. In one study, Goodman was surprised to find wolves who liked to scorch their bodies around a mint or perfume fence.

4. There is a strong connection with the brain

Scientist Alexandra Horowitz has spent a lot of time researching the perception of dogs.

Through many experiments, he realized that there was a close connection between the nose and the brain of dogs. Believe it or not, a stench will stimulate the olfactory lobe (olfactory lobe) in the brain as well as strongly affect the activity of the cortex.

Horowitz said: "Such communication is to make dogs able to find new scents."

The interesting thing is that there is no "toxic scent" in the brains of dogs , but they are extremely excited to be "bathed" in places with unpleasant and disgusting smells.

5. Action to help them "cool yeast"

Picture 4 of Why is the boss so peaceful that the dog boss rolled around in the pile?
Maybe the act of rolling yourself into stinking objects will appeal to their mates.

Unbelievably, rolling yourself into stinking things is the "eating point" in the eyes of the dog bosses.

Dog behavior researcher Dr. McConnell called this action fun to show them "guys with gold chains".

Dr. McConnell shared: "It is possible to roll yourself into stinking things because it will appeal to their partners. As if they are talking to their partners, 'hey baby, look at me. just got a "spoils". Have you seen me so cool? "

However, rolling yourself into dirty things will cause unhygienic and health impacts on your puppy. So, please take care and clean your puppy carefully!