Future technology world from visualizing the Facebook boss

One of the problems Mark Zuckerberg wants to learn in the future is the ability to help immortal people.

The future of the world is full of fun in the minds of Facebook owners

Last week, Mark Zuckerberg organized a quick questioning on his Facebook page through which we can draw the interesting visualizations of the Facebook boss about the future of the technology world.

1. Send thoughts to others

Picture 1 of Future technology world from visualizing the Facebook boss

Almost all the technologies developed recently focused on the goal of giving users a better communication experience, Mark Zuckerberg said. Facebook owner does not hesitate to say that someday people will be able to talk to each other using the power of the brain . " I believe we will be able to send our thoughts to others directly using technology. You can think of something and your friend will immediately get the same thought. If you want, this is the most advanced communication technology ".

Mark is not the only one who thinks "telepathy" will soon become a reality. Ray Kurzweil, a computer scientist also predicted that people will soon be able to connect their minds to cloud computing technology , thereby being able to interact, communicate with the Internet or others. thanks to the micro DNA robots.

2. Computer has the ability to describe images to users

Picture 2 of Future technology world from visualizing the Facebook boss

Mark Zuckerberg recently posted a video of Yann LeCunn, director of AI research (artificial intelligence) at Facebook, which partly revealed his thoughts on the technology in the future. .

In this video, LeCunn focuses on improving the computer's ability to perceive video and image data. Reportedly, this type of technology actually exists and is applied in many fields from ATMs to face recognition technology to tag images on Facebook. The planet's largest social network owner thinks the technology will evolve and gives computers the ability to view images / videos and describe them in English.

3. Broadcast the Internet by laser from the sky

Picture 3 of Future technology world from visualizing the Facebook boss

Facebook has developed a laser communication system mounted on unmanned aircraft with the aim of broadcasting Internet connections. It is known that this is part of a project to bring the Internet to an ambitious, good-quality connection called Internet.org . Mark Zuckerberg said that using lasers to transmit waves will speed up sending and receiving data over long distances.

4. Immune to disease

Picture 4 of Future technology world from visualizing the Facebook boss

Stephen Hawking asked Facebook an interesting question regarding the scientific issues that Facebook owners want to learn. Mark Zuckerberg shared that he is most concerned about issues directly related to people and hoping to find medical advances can turn all of us into . superheroes. Mark said: "What will allow us to live forever? How do we cure all diseases? How does the brain work? The process of learning actually takes place and how to make them Can we help the human species learn one million more times? "

5. Live in a virtual reality world

Picture 5 of Future technology world from visualizing the Facebook boss

When asked about visualizing the world from a technological and social network perspective, Mark replied, " We are developing VR technology (virtual reality) because I think it is a computing and communication platform. next phone . "