Bracelet detects poor teacher

Microsoft founder Bill Gates spent $ 1.1 million on the design and testing of the Affectiva touch-sensitive bracelet, capable of capturing the emotions of students - bored or excited during school hours. , to assess the quality of teachers.

This bracelet is capable of measuring moisture or sweat on the skin ... to determine the feelings of the student during class.

Picture 1 of Bracelet detects poor teacher
Affectiva bracelet

This is Bill Gates' plan to improve the quality of teaching in public schools in the United States, according to the Washington Post on June 12.

However, many teachers and educators say this plan is not effective.

'Why do we spend so much money on this device while many schools are not able to pay their electricity bill?' , educator Valerie Strauss writes in the Washington Post.

Meanwhile, teacher Anthony Cody strongly opposed this plan and said: 'We are teachers, we know when students are bored and not interested in listening to the lecture, not to the device. Wear this new can detect students interested in learning or not.

Many people even claim that bracelets can not distinguish when students are bored or pretend.

Some schools in the US have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to test this bracelet.