Robot teacher

Japanese students will soon see a robot teacher on the podium. According to the Telegraph, the 'teacher', called Saya, is currently being tested at a Tokyo elementary school.

Picture 1 of Robot teacher

Teacher Saya during teaching hours - Photo: REX

She will begin teaching as soon as she finishes the experiment. Saya is the result of a 15-year study by Hiroshi Kobayashi, 43, a professor of science at the University of Tokyo.

Ms. Saya can speak a variety of languages, be able to attend classes, textbook assignments and expressions of emotions through facial expressions, including anger, through the 18 'motor muscles' hidden inside. latex face

The robot was originally designed to replace a series of personnel, including clerks, that helped companies cut costs while maintaining a low level of human interaction to ensure a 'gas' for the company. corporate environment. Before moving to the field as a teacher, Saya was tested as a receptionist at the Tokyo University of Science in 2004.

Saya is the latest example for the development of robots into life in the land of the rising sun. Previously, robots were mobilized as primary school security guards, involved in traffic instructions, persuaded students to sign up for courses, and even made friends with Alzheimer's patients. But putting the robot on the podium is considered one of the most fundamental applications of robotics.

The government has confirmed that every family in the country has a robot by 2015 and is investing $ 35 million in the development of robot intelligence to achieve this goal. This effort was made in the context of an aging Japanese population. It is estimated that after seven years, one out of every four people is over 65. That means the workforce will be shrinking, the cost of salaries increases, and recruitment will be difficult.