Breastfeeding guns help protect the fever in the United States

An underwear company in the United States has launched bras with a front-mounted pouch to help women better defend themselves.

Picture 1 of Breastfeeding guns help protect the fever in the United States

Picture 2 of Breastfeeding guns help protect the fever in the United States

Oklahoma-based Holsters Flashbang introduced this exciting product with a holster that can be attached to the front of the bra. The bra is designed with the usual fabric, but the rucksack is made of leather and can be hidden inside the rope of the shirt.

Their show attracted the attention of about 70,000 people. Most commented that this is an interesting and intelligent product that makes it easier for women to defend themselves or protect their property.

However, the opposition said that doing so would encourage women to use guns, while the Obama administration is struggling to pass a law banning guns.

Holsters Flashbang's web site introduces: 'It's very simple, just pull your shirt up and pull the pistol up, you have the ability to defend yourself quickly.'